Ava's Commercial Booking Class

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Six week commercial workshop
Tuesday Nights
7:00-10:00pm PST
Ages 15+
Navigating the world of commercials can be very intimidating. And now Covid-19 has mad it even more challenging! Whether you're new to the game or have been auditioning for years, the path to getting that booking, or even a callback, can feel overwhelming and elusive.
Let Ava help demystify the whole process! With over a decade of experience in commercial casting, including during the pandemic, she knows what it takes to go from "auditioning" to "booking".
In her new online class, you will see behind the curtain to better understand the casting process, learn what the new landscape of commercial casting looks like, work your audition muscles in front of the camera, an discover the tools needed to deliver a great read, every time!
Week 1: The Basics
Understanding the new casting/audition process and your place in it
Learning key factors that separate "Bookers" from "Auditioners"
Introduction to the different types of commercials
Week 2: Understanding Your Essence
Discovering your true essence and how to bring it to every audition
Learning Self Tape technique to create auditions on your own
On-camera work with improv auditions, and individualized feedback
Week 3: Filling Your Toolbox
Continue on-camera work with a focus on scripted scenes using real commercial copy
Review and individualized feedback of every performance
Week 4: Mastering Your Toolbox
Working more audition muscles with a focus on "Spokesperson" reads
Understanding the toolbox of skills you now have and discovering how to use them successfully
Week 5: Marketing
Discussing how to bring your essence to the "Business Side" of commercials
Personalized feedback on Headshots, Agents, and how to make sure you're presenting yourself to the best of your ability
Week 6: The Callback
Learn the skills needed to navigate a Callback successfully
Participate in a callback situation with an industry professional
Take part in a Q&A with an industry expert and begin building industry relationships!